color functions

Color Notation Conversion

11/30/2019function hexa2rgb(hexcolor)Return RGB from hexadecimal
1/30/2019function rgb2hexa(r, b, g) Returns hexadecimal from RGB

Color Space Conversion

11/29/2019function rgb2hsl(red, green, blue)Converts RGB to HSL
11/30/2019function hsl2rgb(hue, saturation, luma) Converts HSL to RGB
12/10/2019function rgb2hsv(red, green, blue) Converts RGB to HSV
12/12/2019function hsv2rgb(hue, sat, value)Converts HSV to RGB

Color Schemes

12/08/2019function complements(red, green, blue)Takes red, green, and blue parameters, converts this into a hue. Returns hue and hue + 180. Colors returned as RGB values.
12/08/2019function splitcomplements(red, green, blue)Takes red, green, and blue parameters, converts this into a hue. Returns hue, hue + (180 + 20), and hue + (180 – 20). Colors returned as RGB values. Code should be expanded to control the step value (20).
12/08/2019function analogous(red, green, blue)Takes red, green, and blue parameters, converts this into a hue. Returns hue, hue + 10, hue – 10, hue + 20, hue – 20. Colors returned as RGB values.Code should be expanded to control the step values (10, 20).
12/08/2019function triadics(red, green, blue)Takes red, green, and blue parameters, converts this into a hue. Returns hue & hue + 120, hue – 120. Colors returned as RGB values.
12/08/2019function tetradics(red, green, blue)Takes red, green, and blue parameters, converts this into a hue. Returns hue & hue + 90, hue + 180, hue + 270. Colors returned as RGB values.

Linear Gradient

Although JavaScript + HTML5 has native ability to generate a linear gradient. This linear gradient function was necessary for my work because it allows more control over the gradient increment. Code also is able to generates the RGB values for each step in the linear gradient as an array. Using the array, one can treat the linear gradient as a color calculator to:

  • find a color based on the array index
  • find a colors corresponding opposite
  • find the middle value (blend) of any two colors

Color Difference

Find the color difference between two RGB values…

var colordiff = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((colorB[0] - colorA[0]), 2) + Math.pow((colorB[1] - colorA[1]), 2) + Math.pow((colorB[2] - colorA[2]), 2));

This formula is not the “best” formula, as it does not take into account how the human eye senses colors. Formulas (weighted RGB, redmean) that better approximate this value are well known.